As economic and military pressure mounts, Europe may soon find itself seeking a strong leader--someone who can command respect, restore order, and navigate the turbulent geopolitical landscape. Could this be the figure foretold in biblical prophecy?
If Waltz is as good as his word -- that Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon -- then China, by arming the ayatollahs with nukes, has made sure that the world's next confrontation will be historic.
Across America's churches, many pews have been abandoned in recent years, heralding a relentless collapse in attendance and commitment to the institutions. That is, until now, in which there appears to be a slight changing in the tides.
It appears even prison walls can't stop the transgender agenda from affecting women inmates.
We live at a time when seismic activity is on the rise all over the planet. More than three dozen volcanoes have recently erupted, and there have been more than 850 earthquakes in California and Nevada within the past seven days.
If peace is on the way, why are they feverishly preparing for World War III? It appears to me that NATO countries are convinced that something really big is coming. Is there something that they know that they aren't telling the rest of us?